Friday, July 15, 2005
All Dressed Up
Well, why would a stay-at-home mother (I prefer domestic engineer) have herself and her three children dressed well enough to head to church on a Sunday morning just for a trip to the bank and to grab lunch? I don't know either. I guess it started last night.

My husband, Adam and I used to attend a church in a neighboring town. We were members there for about 5 years and love everyone there. They were all kind enough to throw a "Welcome Baby Tea" in honor of the birth of our 3rd baby. So, last night was the night and we came home with lots of presents, some of which were cute little outfits of course.

Aralyn (5 weeks old) just had to wear a new outfit (so says Aidan who is almost 5 years old going on about 25!) Aralyn received a lovely little pink and white sundress and that was the outfit of choice. One child dressed and ready to go...Check.

Alora (our very dramatic and emotional 2 year old) then went with me to pick out her outfit. She has been begging to wear her "pretty, white dress" for several days now. Her "pretty, white dress" is a Sarah Louise smocked dress that she actually wore for Easter last year, but amazingly it still fits her. I have been meaning to put it away so that the sleeves won't get stretched out and her little sister can hopefully wear it too. But, since it is still hanging in the closet, she pointed to it and said that was the outfit she wanted. I was able to talk her out of it and into a much simpler (but still somewhat dressy for a bank trip) "pretty, pink dress". Add to it her white "church" shoes since she cried when I mentioned wearing her sandals and we are even more dressed up. So second child -dressed way too fancy for a short errand....Check.

Now, for Aidan, the 4 year old who will be turning 5 much too soon for my tastes on September 11th. Favorite color: Red. Favorite clothing: Jeans. So, he has dressed himself in a pair of jeans (would have been ok except for the hot and humid weather that I hate here in SC) and a red shirt that is a good size too big. The shirt is a size 5, but was bought in the boys section of the store and for some reason the 5 there is about 3 sizes bigger than the size 4 in the little boy/infant/toddler section. Who knows why the stores want our 4 and 5 year old little boys to look like raggamuffins, but they all do it, so maybe there is a reason?! I got him undressed again and proceeded to try to talk him into a better suited outfit...And may as well dress up, everyone else is (sibling pressure). He then comments on whether the outfits I am showing him are "sassy" or "geeky" words he has learned from Zidgel on 3-2-1 Penquins. As we all know Zidgel will be taking the place of one of the hosts of What Not to Wear any day now. So we find a nice "geeky" polo shirt and some "geeky" shorts to match and add some "geeky" sandals and ....Check.

I put on a skirt and shirt (which is fancy for me, since I am usually in a tee shirt and jeans or shorts) and off we go, dressed in what would amount to our Sunday best and go to pick up Adam's check and head to the bank. After a trip through the drive through window (didn't even go in to show off our duds) we head to pick up Adam and go to lunch at the local Mexican restaurant.

Aralyn starts to break out...Face and arm. Could it be her new dress, that I didn't wash before I let her wear? I know, I know, bad mother, but after your 3rd kid you get a bit slack about things. I should have washed it, and now maybe it is the cause of her rash? Or it could be the hot and humid weather....Who knows, but as soon as we get home the outfit is coming off. 1st child to be de-fancified....Check

Alora, of course, got salsa all down the front of her "pretty, pink dress", so it was removed as soon as possible too. Why is it that when she is in play clothes she doesn't get the least bit dirty?!? She finds her favorite nightshirt and puts it on herself...inside out and all, but she is so proud, so I left it that way. Anyway...second child to de-fancify...Check.

Aidan.....Apparently "geeky" isn't what we are looking for, we want "cool" so he strips down and puts on his "cooler" dinosaur pjs so he can be a special superhero. (PJs are the latest fashion trend for superheroes.) Third child....Check.

Even my special clothing doesn't last long. After a few nursings and a few good burps by Aralyn the shirt needs to be removed. It and the skirt are replaced by some comfortable pjs (Would calling it lounge wear make me seem like less of a slacker?). So, here we are back to normal. I figured it was fun while it lasted, but I must admit is easier to do all the things that I need to do without worrying about my skirt or my shirt and all, and being superheroes must be easier in the pjs that Aidan and Alora picked out. Aralyn, could probably care less, but since I put her in a nice soft footed sleeper and she is sleeping so well, maybe she likes the dressed down look too.

I don't really know why we got all dressed up today. But, I do know that I now have some laundry to do (and like all stay-at-home moms there is never enough, right?).


Blogger Jacinda said...

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