Monday, October 17, 2005
No more food for you, missy!
Well, so much for the short time that Aralyn was on food. About 2 weeks ago I decided that she seemed ready for some food. We were at Burger King at the time of my decision and she was grabbing at our food and our hands and just watching our faces like some starved child that we were keeping away from food as some sort of torture. Seeing as how she was just 4 months, and I had never started one of my babies on food until 6 months or later, I thought it was a bit early. The deciding factor was when I opened up a cool fry and let her have the mashed inside. Altogether not really enough for an ant to live off of, but her little face lit up in a smile and she just swallowed like an eating pro!

So, I went to the store and got some rice cereal and a few of the stage 1 jars of food to start with. Rice was not liked...not liked so much that we threw it and 2 days worth of milk up all over our mommy and the carpet! So a few days later, I think, maybe it was just too thick and she didn't like the taste, cause she sure liked those fries!

So, next we try some sweet potatoes, and we throw up again, but this time it was mostly just a gag thing...maybe too much on the spoon/still getting used to the eating thing? Next is bananas. And she loved them! They were great and she almost finished the little bowl that I made for her. One day, a Sunday, we even had some banana pudding at a little place we were having lunch. She loved this even better, not that I can blame her, their banana pudding is really good!

So, now she has changed. How? Well, now she is pooping more (I know she will be thrilled with me years down the road for writing this!). And she is crying a lot more. I think it is somewhat that she is teething, whic accounts for the large amount of drool that soaks her clothing lately. But, mostly I think her little tummy is not quite ready to be processing the food. So, I figure we will wait a few weeks and try again. She loved to eat it, but her poor little tummy is not liking it much.


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