Sunday, October 09, 2005
She has a name!
Alora has this thing about dolls.  She has her favorites and will carry the same one around for about a week and then trade it for another.  She does this with her stuffed monkey and some little stuffed kitty cats (they are considered one item although there are about 7 of them) and a few other random toys.  For one cycle it was a rock.  

These past few months it has almost always been America.  America is a doll that went with a grocery buggy that we bought her for Christmas.  She is a cute little doll, but not a real “special” doll.  Not like her first baby doll that I bought her when she fell in love with a doll for the first time.  It was a Rosalina doll that she found at a boutique type store.  She saw it and played with it and then cried and cried when it was time to leave because she wanted to take the doll with her.  The doll was about as big as she was and was fairly pricey for a doll, but her birthday was coming up and I thought it would be sweet for her to have it.  So, she came home with us and wasn’t played with for about a year!

She didn’t like her any more.  I had my theories that the reason was that she was just too big for her to tote around very easily.  She just would play with her a few minutes occasionally and then trade her in for some other lighter weight smaller toy to take on trips and play with the rest of the day.  

So, America became the favorite instead.  I should have known.  She was smaller and easier to tote, so she has been coming with us for weeks.  She has to come every place that we go.  She goes grocery shopping, to the library, to church, and all of the places that we go.  She has to be kissed goodnight and tucked in and hugged just like Alora is at night.  She is our “other” baby.  She recently acquired the name America.  I don’t know how.  Aidan and Alora were playing and then next thing I know I am beign told that this doll has a name and it is America.  Although, Alora says it more like Ameriga, and I think really that is what she would prefer for us to call her too.  

However, a few days ago something amazing happened.  America had a companion.  The Rosalina doll joined us.  This didn’t make us happy as parents, since now instead of just making sure that America comes with us in the van, and into every place we go, now this other baby has to come too.  Sometimes we would try to reason with her and just have either America or this other baby come and the other stay in the car, but this only works some many times.  And the small mind of my daughter would only change several times before she would settle on the one she really wanted.  

Now, Alora has weaned herself of America and this other doll is now the only one that comes everywhere.  She is the new favorite, for a few weeks or months or so.  And she has a name.  Adam was tucking Alora and this doll into bed the other night and Alora wanted him to kiss them both.  He informed me when I entered the room that she had a name now.  I asked Alora what her name was and she said Big, Heavy Baby.  

So goodnight to you, Alora, America, and Big, Heavy Baby.  I love you.  


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