Saturday, August 27, 2005
Fish, Grass, Water, and a Van...all you need for a perfect day
Oh, how I just wish that days like yesterday could be repeated…at least most of the parts. We were able to join Adam for lunch and went to the “Blue Place” as Aidan calls this one restaurant. It is really the Lakeside Grille, and they have seafood and burgers and things like that. Really good food. I ordered the child’s burger for me, popcorn shrimp for Adam and Alora and Aidan decided that he wanted fish today. Aidan loved his fish. He kept talking about how good it was and wanting to order some more. I love that he was so excited about his fish. I guess I like the fact that he can enjoy a place to eat as much as Adam and I enjoy it. Of course the peanuts that they have on the tables to snack on really keep the kids busy long enough for the food to get there, so that is nice too! I also tried some of the butter pecan cake with a cream cheese frosting…it was SOOOO yummy!

We made it home in time for naptime and the kids took a good nap. Such a good nap that I was able to cut some grass. Aidan woke up and I had him playing “monitor” for me. He was to play quietly in his room and come out to the porch if the girls woke up. He did a great job and even stood at the window giving my thumbs up signs, smiling, and signing, “I love you” in sign language. It was really sweet. It makes me happy just remembering his grinning face. I got just the grass in the front of the house mowed, but it was really the worst of it and not such a hot day, so it wasn’t so bad.

Then Alora, Aidan, and I washed the van. It has been raining so much here, that we haven’t had the opportunity to wash the van like we would like to do. Thankfully it was not raining yesterday afternoon…or thunderstorming like usual, and it wasn’t even all that hot. I think I will try to always remember how fun it is to wash the van with the kids. Aidan loves to help so much and will spend all his time washing one or two places…like the wheels and tires or the license plate, since they are the “coolest” parts. He is just so proud of helping. Alora spent all her time pulling the rags out of the bucket of water and then putting them back in after they were filthy from the ground. Then she would get in the bucket of soapy water…she liked the bubbles, I guess. I spent a lot of time telling her to get out of the water! The two of them also ran around screaming and shrieking as I hosed the van off, since water was spraying them. Aralyn sat on the porch in her rocking seat with an umbrella opened up to keep the bright sun from shining in her eyes. She was so good, I think she was just happy to have the time to spend outside. When Alora wasn’t in the bucket, she would run up on the porch to talk to Aralyn, so she wouldn’t fuss too much. It was a nice afternoon. We got the van washed and while we didn’t do the best job, it certainly looks better than it did before, and it was fun!

Thank you God for a wonderful day with my children. While it wasn’t a “perfect” day, it was a day that was full of wonderful times and great things to hold in my memory. When I think back on yesterday, I don’t want to remember Alora’s accident, or Aralyn crying or Aidan not listening like he should, but rather, a soapy Alora climbing out of a bucket, a happy Aralyn squinting into the bright summer sun, a smiling Aidan telling me he loves me with his hands, and a beautiful cool day to enjoy it all. Thank you!


Blogger Adam Cooper said...

I am so glad y'all had such a great time working outside yesterday. Thanks for doing the stuff I need/want to do but have a hard time finding time for. I appreciate it and hopefully I showed it. I love y'all - Adam

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