Friday, August 05, 2005
They Are Just Like Weeds!

I don't know why it is that when I think about 5 years it seems like such a long time. That is, until I look at my little boy who will be 5 in September.

But, to look back on pictures like this, is SOOO bittersweet.

I want Aidan to grow I don't, I mean...yes, I DO! I am so torn on my feelings that come up when I look at him lately. So often it is so hard to look at his face and see any of the little baby that he was. He was the first to grow inside of me, for my body to support fully until he was able to make it outside in my arms. He was just the sweetest thing ever! I was so full of love for him even before he was born. And he grew SO fast. From only 6lb 6oz at birth to 9lb 7oz at just 2 weeks, and he continued that rapid growth for 18 months until he finally slowed down a bit. He was the first to make me a Momma. His voice was the first to call me by that title. His eyes were the ones that first looked into mine in that all-loving, totally trusting way that a newborn will look at their parents. He is growing into a young man that I am so proud to know. He is my little sweetheart, my little super hero, my sweet Aidan, my son. He will always hold a special place in my heart.

He was the one that led me to my best friends. Because of him, we were a pair that could attend "momma and child" things. That is how I came to have 3 of the best friends a woman could ever have.

The birthday party this Sunday was so wonderful. The birthday girl is just a few months older than Aidan. We have known her since she moved here when she was about 9 months old. The four kids at the party have "grown up" together. They do a lot together, us mommies do a lot together. These are the ladies that I turn to when I need someone to laugh with, or cry with, or need advice. They are my best friends. And because of the love that we all share for Christ they are probably 3 of the best-est friends I will ever have! They put me in my place and keep me strong. Their children are just as special to me. I don't love them all like I love my own children, but I love them with a love almost as powerful. I would do anything for them and I believe that my children are loved by these women just the same. It is a wonderful life to have such good friends for yourself and your children (and your husband too!)
I thank God that I have been blessed for these few years with such wonderful friends. I know that even if things change, that these are the kinds of friendships that will go with me through my life and only grow sweeter in the remembering. I pray that God will take care of each of our families and help us to grow closer to Him as we strive to raise our children to have a firm faith in Him. May he bless us all in our lives.
....and if it just so happens that one of our children happens to grow up to marry another one (there are 10 kids so far, so it could happen!) we would be so happy!


Blogger Jacinda said...

Awww...look at our babies! So sweet & grown up!

Blogger elizabeth said...

Watching our children grow up is very bittersweet! Everytime they accomplish something new, I say goodbye to yet another baby stage. Multiply this by three and I feel like my heart is ripping daily!

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