Monday, August 08, 2005
I convinced myself in high school that procrastination was a good thing. My grades didn't suffer because of it. If anything I got better grades because of it. My sleep might have suffered, seeing as how I would wake up hours early to write a paper that was due in first period. Or maybe my diet suffered, as sometimes I would skip lunch to finish an assignment due in the class right after the 45 minute lunch break. Or maybe my parent's ears suffered as I would tap away on my little electronic typewriter that I had to type things up on (since we didn't get a computer in our house until right near the end of my senior year). I worked well under pressure and seem to thrive on it now.

There are a few times when I think procrastination is not a good thing.

Like when we used to have playgroup at our house once a month...I knew when my day was, but still seemed to wait until the last minute to mop the kitchen floor and clean the bathrooms. Or, when I knew that there were several things that I had to get ready at my house before the birth of Aralyn...but I was still in labor doing last minute things that I had just held off on completing. Or when I am planning a trip and wait until the day before to start the packing.

What is really sad is that sometimes I will plan to procrastinate. I will stay up the night before some event and spend hours making a list of the last minute things that I need to do. Instead of just doing them, or getting rest or doing something else more productive I will have a page of last minute things organized by Have To Dos and Would Like To Dos. At least I am an organized procrastinator, right? That's got to be worth points!

Aidan misses the cut-off date to start kindergarten this year. I am secretly glad, since that means that I have one more year to not "think" about it. I have pretty much decided to homeschool him. I am just not all that confident with the public school system here. I might would feel different if I lived somewhere else, although I kind of doubt it. I also might would consider a private school if there was one that I liked somewhere closer than a 40 minute drive one way. I just couldn't do that everyday with 2 other kids at home to think about as well as all the other things that I have on my plate.

So, homeschooling it will probably be. I get really excited when I look at the curriculum catalogs that I have, some of it looks so fun. Recently, I found a site that carries a curriculum that is very biblically based, lots of scriptures and such and it looks great. But I can't force myself to order it. I keep thinking maybe I will find something better, or maybe something will change and I will be in a position to do something else with him next year. Maybe I will hate what I order and need to spend more money to buy something else, and something else, and something else, until I find what I really like....that I may have found first if I just waited. Maybe we will have moved and there will be a perfect public school system in the town we live in, or the perfect private school, just waiting for us to move there so he can attend! Or, maybe the church we used to attend will decide to run a homeschool co-op and we will be a part of that, so I would need to wait to order what everyone else wants to use? So, I will resort back to my good friend procrastination. It is where I am comfortable anyway!

One thing that I CAN do while I procrastinate is prepare him as best I can for kindergarten...whatever form it comes in. He loves to learn is is so ready in lots of ways for something "formal". And I can pray that God will lead us in the right way. He does that you know? It is something that I have to remind myself. I know that through all the decisions we make that God will help us to make them if we let him. And He can even help us once we have made bad decisions! I pray that I will allow God to lead me in the way I should go...that he will continue to bless us all...


Blogger Adam Cooper said...

I can definitely relate to the need to procrastinate (as you well know). You will do wonderfully teaching the kids. Its exciting to see how Aidan is responding already and how Alora even wants to join in! Surely Aralyn will be the same way. With God, these decisions will be made well and things will work out right. I love you!

Blogger Rachel said...

I'm a bit of a procrastinator myself. Case in point, I have only just ordered Ben's first grade curriculum. We tried Sonlight last year, but this year we switched to Christian Liberty Academy.

Which curriculums are you considering? Barbara has the Pre-K and Kindergarten curriculum from Sonlight if you want to look it over.

Libby has a speech delay and went to therapy for it last year. This year the therapist wants her to join a pre-k class, and so we are considering sending her to Winfield Heights. Gabriel went there last year for kindergarten and enjoyed it.

Blogger Alissa said...

I am using some preschool books that I got at Sam's for right now. When we get near the end of them, I think I am going to order the K program from My Father's World. It looks like it would be pretty easy and fun to do. Hopefully we will like it.

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