Thursday, August 11, 2005
Why are we here?--and the christening of the carpet!
Today we went to look at some property/homes in a neighboring town. We ran across some new construction and decided to get out of the van to look a bit closer. After pulling in the driveway of the first "open house" Aidan says, "Why are we here?" It is really a pretty good question. A question that Adam and I need to ask ourselves and ask the Lord for guidance to find the right answer to it.

Adam went to apply for a job today. I know, why would he want another job? Aren't 3 enough? Well, yes, 3 is enough-and lots of times 3 is just too much. We are looking at trying to find something that he could do that would give him a little more time at home, and would give us some benefits, as right now we don't have any. The hiring process is probably going to take about 6 months, so we won't really know anything for a while, but we made the first step. We'll wait and see if God leads us on.

If Adam were to get the job, then lots of things would need to be considered. We would need to move closer, as the commute time would be killer. Build, Buy, Rent? We might would also look at putting Aidan in a private school over there, or even putting him in a public school, although it would have to be one great school for that to win out over homeschooling. A change in churches would probably be in order. Just lots to consider and think about and lots to pray to God for guidance about. We will be praying and researching about our options in hopes that we make the right change if any change and that it will bless our family in the process.


Alora is being potty trained right now. It goes really well some days and other days, like yesterday we have 5 or 6 accidents. It is frustrating and all, but I know that there is an end in sight since I have already been through this with Aidan. In the first "open house" the water and electricity was on, so seeing as how it had been a while since she had last gone, we decided to let her try while we were there. She had already had an accident earlier and had to put on her spare outfit, so we didn't want to risk another accident. pee pees, or so she told us. So the next "open house" we go in there is a realtor who wants to talk to us and show us around. That was great, until while I was asking about the flooring, Aidan interrupts me to tell me that Alora peed on the floor. I was mortified!!!! I apologized to the realtor and thankfully she was just the sweetest person and very understanding of the children. She actually held Aralyn for me so I could take care of changing Alora and cleaning up the mess....which was mostly on the vinyl/tile in the kitchen but some on the carpet. So, sorry whoever you are who bought the house, but the carpet is slightly "used".


Blogger Jacinda said...

Oh my gosh, Alissa! That is hilarious! "Hmm, what's that smell?" ask the potential homeowners.......LOLOLOLOLOL

As for you moving, just pray about it, think about it then pray about it some more! As for school, hmmmm let's see......oh yeah! Do the same thing! :-)

Seriously, though, like I told you yesterday, visit the schools before you make any decisions! We thought about it and prayed about it and I researched things online and I talked to Christians & teachers (some Christian teachers even) who I respected and asked their opinions about different things regarding curriculum & learning styles & structure, etc. etc. etc. etc.

I visited Open House at one school. Finally, when we visited our 2 main options on "regular days" was when we kind of felt the answer the most. Don't get me wrong, both of our options were good ones. (I don't want you to think I'm trying to bad mouth the option we didn't choose.)

They both had their good points and their not as good points, but for what we were wanting Gracie to get out of school, we felt the public was where she should be right now considering our choices. We always reserve the right to change our mind, of course.

I can tell you right now after 4 days that we are extremely happy with our choice and have already seen such positive changes in her in some areas! I'm not saying she couldn't have had those same changes at the other school, but we are not feeling regret over our choice.

Anyway......if you ever want me to go into detail about anything, just let me know!

I'm just saying to please go visit the schools on a regular day to get a real feel of what the classroom & school in general is like. I also have some websites I can send you about the different public schools around here.

Sorry for you long comment! LOL

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