Saturday, October 01, 2005
Can I pretend to be 12?
My poor mother-in-law has had the roughest few weeks ever. She broke her arm (previous post) and then because of the type of cast she had, she got blisters and a rash and a yeast infection on her arm and palm. It was painful for her and she had to have some medication to clear it up. She finally had that cleared up and had the cast taken off only to have her legs start to cause her some terrible pain. She has vericose veins, but these turned out not to be the cause of her pain.

She has clots in her veins. They put her on an antibiotic and a pain medication to help clear up some infection that they thought she had. Only, the antibiotic she was allergic to, and it made her really really really sick. She felt horrid and had all the side effects from the medication. They finally got it switched to another medication and she was starting to recover and then her legs flared up again. She ended up in the hospital and was finally able to really recover. She is doing much better after her 7 days in the hospital. She is home now and on some new medication to help keep the clots from forming, as these can be deadly if they go into the deeper veins or get big.

So, the first day she was in the hospital we all loaded up and headed over so that we could visit her. We stopped by the gift shop and got three flowers and a card to give to her. Up to the fourth floor and stopped by the nurse at the nurses' desk who tells me that children under 12 are not allowed in the rooms. Back down the elevator I head with the 3 kids and leave Adam to go and visit. We waited in the main waiting room. I am left to explain to Aidan why he can't go and see his Neena. He was so upset. After playing for a bit with Alora and looking at some magazines he heads over to my chair and says, "Can I pretend to be 12?" I felt so badly for him. Sure he could pretend to be 12, but there was no way the nurse at the station would think that my 5 year old was 12.

I find that I am like that sometimes. God, can we just pretend that this is your will, that I am doing what is right, that everything is fine and there are no hard changes that need to be made? Wouldn't that be easier and get me what I want...of course...but God wouldn't believe it cause it isn't TRUE. With God being Truth, it is not much use to try and fool Him.

God, please help us to not try and fool you. Help us to always be willing to look deep within us and do what needs to be done to make ourselves what you want us to be. Help us to look to you and love you with all that we are.

Thank you also for bringing Neena home from the hospital and helping her find relief from the pain. Thank you that she is doing so much better and that we can all go visit her any time we want to now.


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