Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Pushing too hard!
Alora is back in diapers. I know, I know, I will confuse her and she will never use the potty now. She will probably grow up and need counseling or something! (Or at least that is the running joke with my mom and I, anything she could have done, would have done, is doing, will cause my siblings and me ever-lasting damage. Probably not, but we'll see I guess!)

I just couldn't take it any more. It was getting too stressful. I was having to make sure that I knew exactly when she woke up in the morning and from naps to make sure she could get to the potty in time. I was dreading every trip that was longer than 10 minutes afraid that this time would be another accident in the car seat, which by the way is really a pain to get the cover off. Plus, the cover has to air dry, so it isn't the most convenient thing to have to clean up.

I think we will just wait a few months and see if she isn't more ready then. She is not yet 2 1/2 so maybe I was just thinking that with a 2nd baby she would be ready. Guess not! Oh well, it would have been nice, but maybe this way my carpet will have a break from the accidents and maybe when we do it again it will just be a quick and painless thing! My mom is coming down for Aidan's birthday and bringing some Dora panties, so maybe that will be something to bribe with! HAHAHA


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