Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Sickness seems to be going around.  Several of the players on Aidan’s soccer team have been sick in the past few weeks and just this Tuesday one of the little boys wasn’t feeling well and even asked to be taken out of the game.  I feel like we are trying to dodge the sickies and keep away from it and it isn’t working very well.  

Alora just yesterday started sounding a bit croaky in her speech.  Not really noticeable, but on certain words you can hear it better than others.  Today she sounds just a bit worse and is running a low grade fever.  We were planning to head out of town this weekend for a retreat with our old church family, but if the fever isn’t gone, then we won’t be going.  It would be just too hard to go with a sick kid, and I don’t want the other children there to get sick either.  

It would really make me a bit sad to miss , we haven’t missed a year of this annual trip in 6 years…the time that we were members at that congregation.  Plus, we were planning to head up to my parents’ house to visit with some family too.  My grandparents were going to come over to see Aralyn again, who they haven’t seen in about 2 months.  My great aunt, Jimmie and my cousin Gayle and her daughter, Rebecca, were also going to be coming over…they haven’t seen Aralyn at all.  And, my sister is home from college for her fall break and I would love to see her too!  It would be a lot to miss out on.

As, an aside to all this:  Aralyn rolled over today for the first time.  I knew that she could, she just never has.  I think she is always highly unimpressed with being on her tummy, so she doesn’t like to roll onto her tummy much.  I am sure when she can go somewhere her tummy will be more fun than it is now.  


Blogger Jacinda said...

Katie's had a bit of something as well. She has had a cough (which is actually much better) and a little runny nose (which is almost all better). She's run some fever, too. I think hers may be teeth 'cause she's been drooling, too. I thought it was gone 'cause it was 100.1 this morning, then 99.1, then 98.6 & 98.5. Then, at 4:00, it was 101 again. Weird. We too are hoping hers is gone by Friday...tomorrow even for playgroup maybe. Hope Alora gets better.

Blogger Rachel said...

Something is definitely going around. The kids each got it in turn but Abigail seemed the worse so I took her to our doctor and we were both put on antibiotics for whatever it was. I opted for us both to get the shot, since it's so hard to get Abby to take medicine, and I tend to forget to take medicine (especially with pregnancy induced memory loss).

Hope that everyone feels better soon. It would be a real shame to miss out on so much fun. We'll pray for ya!

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