Monday, January 09, 2006
Look at Alora!!
Well, here she little ball of energy. She is such a little character and is always making us laugh! She has her own little personality and opinions and all and still needs lots of training on how to control her urges! She is doing so much better lately though...I remember the days when playgroup was torture for me because she was sure to scream and cry and yell several times and just be totally upset. It is not perfect now, but so much better that sometimes it seems perfect.

If you notice the group of little animals that ALL had to accompany us this particular trip. Aidan always had one or two small matchbox cars and Alora has a stuffed menagerie! I just couldn't help but laugh to see them all lined up and ready to ride!

Here is Alora at the Christmas party eating the pretzel antlers for her nutter butter reindeer. She is her father's daughter and loves pretzels, so her reindeer came home pretty naked.

Here we are acting shy at playgroup. There are times when you can't get her to be quiet and still and she runs around like you just let her out of a cage, and then other times you couldn't make her talk if you offered her candy (her favorite thing). She is a fickle child sometimes, but we love her no matter what her mood.


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