Tuesday, January 03, 2006
I have had the worst time trying to log in to blog. I was going to blog about our Christmas adventures while I was at my parents' house, but for some reason my password wasn't working. I tried and tried the password recovery and it would never send me to the page to change my passowrd, just always back to the log in page. It was terribly frustating. I just spent another 20 minutes going through the whole thing again, and finally it worked! I don't know why my password, which hasn't changed, wasn't working, but now I am finally back and able to blog and leave comments.

I have been tagged, so I guess I should start with that.

5 weird things! Should be easy to come up with, as Adam and I are always joking about how weird we are. I guess it is more a generalization than something that can be pinpointed by 5 things in particular, so here is the best I could come up with.

1. I can't go to sleep without brushing my teeth. I don't know why, but even if I am really tired and sick or something like that, I just can't do it. I have been known to get out of a nice warm bed and go to the cold bathroom floor to brush those pearly whites.

2. I eat paper. I don't eat nearly the amount that I ate when younger, but on occasion I will still eat some. I like to eat a DumDum sucker every once in a while. When younger I would consume the whole thing, minus the outer wrapper. I would eat the stick. Now, while I don't eat the whole stick, I will sometimes eat the part that the sucker covers up. I usually break off the stick from the top and just pop the sucker in my mouth and eat it like a piece of hard candy. Occasionally, I will go ahead and eat that small part of the stick that was inside the candy. That is about the only paper I eat, although as a child I remember eating other kinds.

3. I always have to have a book that I am reading. Usually it is more than one, usually when one is boring and I start another one and am just not really "into" either one. However, I have been known to read up to 5 books at one time. Just for you information, it is much easier to read 5 books at once if they are all very different in subject.

4. I burn myself. I guess ever since I was a kid and burned my hand with an iron that fell on top of it, I have been prone to burns. I burn myself probably in at least some minor form or fashion at least once a month. It is probably more than that, but I don't really want to think about it. the oven and the clothes iron are my 2 main problems, but food and such are not to be underestimated.

5. I call my husband almost everyday and mostly more than once a day. I am sure that it annoys him, but the good man that he is, he doesn't say so! Most of the time I don't even have something to say.


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