Sunday, November 06, 2005
Larry, the one with the black hair...
Adam and I first ran across Veggie Tales on accident. Back when we were first married I ran across The Toy that Saved Christmas at Wal-mart and picked it up. I don't even know why...I had never heard of them and had no clue that it would be so good. I loved it! I thought it was so funny and cute and such a cute idea. Adam and I began collecting them. We realized that they had been around a few years and had a few other episodes out, so we gathered them up and watched them all, enjoying every last one. As the new ones were released, we would try to make it to the Christian bookstore to buy up the latest copy. We own every episode and would like to have them both on VHS and DVD...VHS is good for taking to church for Sunday nights and for times when we have dinners and DVD, cause we like DVD format better and they can be watched in the van too. It is nice to let them watch a 30 minute DVD on the 35-40 minute ride to church, nice that we can pick something that is morally sound for preparing our minds to worship God.

Friday night we went to the store to get some things so that I could make a batch of soup for the dinner at church today. Of course we bought way more than was on the list, it always seems to happen when we all go to the store, as I always give in to Adam's whims and then give in to my own since I am weakened from giving in to his! hehe While going past the electronics section in Wally World we browsed the new releases. Star Wars episode III is out and I would love to see it, as Adam went to see it with a few buddies of his right after Aralyn was born. (My mom was here with me or he never would have thought about going--and I would have never given him permission! LOL) $20 was a bit more than I was in the mood to spend, seeing as how we already had to get diapers and pull-ups for the girls and those add up quick. I quickly went down the aisle and had to stop when I saw it...there it was, we knew it was coming out, but didn't know it was out already! The Lord of the Beans! The latest in Veggie Tale goodness!

And is it ever good! It even came with a "free" bonus DVD. It had us laughing from the beginning. It is such a cute parody...Legolamb and Earacorn and Spiegel! So funny! And Aidan and Alora just got a kick out of the Sporks! We had eaten at Taco Bell recently and all they have are sporks, so we had just had and Momma/Daddy/5 year old/2 year old conversation about sporks and why they are.

If you happen to rush out and get the movie, make sure to get the DVD version...the extras are great! There is a great play doh activity, a neat cookie recipe that is super easy, and the veggie commentary is so funny. (They edit the movie and cut parts and the characters do a little "fake" is so funny. Minnesota Cuke and a few of the other movies had this too and it was also full of laughs!

Sunday morning values/Saturday morning fun!


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