Saturday, January 14, 2006
Hurry up and wait
This past holiday season I was up at my parents' house a good bit. I remember my mom talking a few times about sending off for my younger sister's Chickasaw tribal citizenship card. Good idea, I thought! I could go ahead and do this. I would love to have them on hand just in case we ever need them. There are things that we might be able to take advantage of, but we wouldn't be able to fully do that without proof of citizenship for them.

Well, I had Adam print out three citizenship forms for me, I was going to mail them off immediately. Well, then I read the form and realized that I would first need to obtain a Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood number for each of the children from the Bureau of Indian Affairs office. Fine, I found that form and had Adam print off 3 of those. I would mail those immediately...Well, maybe not. I read the form and it stated that I needed to send in the children's birth certificates. A birth certificate issued by the state of birth that shows parentage, the so-called "long form".

Aralyn was born just 7 months ago. She was born at home, and there were other things on my mind at the beginning other than ordering a birth certificate. I filled out the form and let it sit on the desk waiting to mail it off with a check for $12. So, Aralyn's can wait, I can mail the others.

Then I realized that I didn't have Alora's either. Well, when Alora was born I was given the same form. I had her at home too, and there were other things on my mind then too. (Isn't that odd?) I must have forgotten to mail it off, since I found the filled out form in the "junk" drawer in the kitchen just yesterday.

Well, I would mail Aidan's then...

No, I won't! I didn't have the right birth certificate for him. When Aidan was born we were given a sheet of paper to fill out in order to get his birth certificate. It was a short form with some simple questions... Name, state of birth, parents' names, etc. When we ordered his birth certificate, I ordered the short form that SC offers. I thought that it would be fine that the short form didn't show parentage, after all, he won't be getting married for a while, right? I even ordered 2 of the wallet sized certificates, $12 for the first and $3 for any additional copies.

It is a good thing that I am so slack about things. I would have ordered the short form when I ordered the girls' certificates. I might have even spent $30 on 2 copies for each of them too!

So, now I get to plan a trip to the DHEC office in hopes that they have birth certificate order forms there for me to fill out.

I was talking to my mom on the phone the other day mentioning my troubles. She basically tells me, that she was just telling my aunt how long a process it had been. How she had to order my sister's state issued birth certificate, as the one she had was county issued and that wasn't the right one. My mom says that the entire process took about 9 months for her to accomplish. I only wish that I had talked more with my mom about it while I was home visiting. I would have at least known what I was getting into ahead of time.

I guess I can look forward to 9 months of forms and mailings in order to get their information in the right places. It's a good thing I started early!


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