Thursday, January 19, 2006
Where are my wings?
Well...I am deciding to give flying a try. Well, FLYing to be precise. I know that I will regret telling anyone, since then I am under a microscope and if I fail it is a public failure. I need to tame the chaos and get into a routine of some sort. It is needed badly! (Please, Adam, don't comment, you can't take it back! LOL)

I started yesterday. All I had to do was to shine my sink. I did it and proceeded to clean out a few more cabinets in the kitchen. With packing up things that we don't use very often, I had already gone through 2 cabinets, and was able to cross off 3 more from the list. Sometimes you just don't realize what you are keeping, and how disorganized it is. I moved some things around so that they would be in a place that makes more sense and wiped them all out with Clorox those things. I also cleaned my stove and shined it up! Makes you feel really good to get something out of the way.

It felt good to get it done. Today my task was to get dressed first thing, and I accomplished that. It was quite easy since I had playgroup today. So, today I got dressed and I had a clean sink! Two days down and so far so good. I figure the baby steps are a good idea, and while it doesn't seem like I have accomplished much, if the baby steps were much bigger, I wouldn't have gotten this far.

So, looks like day 3 will be tomorrow and we'll see how it goes.


Blogger Adam Cooper said...

Dude! I don't even know what FLYing is. Maybe this experience will enlighten me? Love you!

Blogger Alissa said...

FLYlady...finally loving is all about cleaning and you too!

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