Friday, February 17, 2006
Thankful today
I had some eBay items that I needed to ship today, so I got up and ready to go to town. We went straight to the post office and mailed 2 packages. I almost thought that I was going to loose money on one of them because I didn't realize that it was shipping to Alaska. I haven't yet thought to make sure that I specify that my shipping costs are for the contiguous states only. Thankfully the package wasn't as heavy as I thought it would be, so I was able to ship it for just slightly less than I had charged for shipping. Yeah!

While at the post office I had all 3 children with me and two 5 pound boxes. I had my hands full! I was having Aidan carry one box, and Alora thought she needed to carry one too. It was too heavy for her, so she started to put it down and just push it along the floor. It wasn't really a big deal, but it was slowing us down significantly. Thank you to a man that I don't know (not that I would have to know him for him to help me, but, more, that I sometimes recognize people when we are out and about, cause we live in such a small town.) He was kind enough to help Aidan with his package and set it up on the counter for us, then picked up Alora's package to set it up there too. I was very thankful to him, and told him so! He made my morning.

So, then we headed to Adam's office and had lunch with him. We went with one of Adam's co-workers. We had some good food, the kids ate really well....especially Alora, since her appetite is finally back and she seems so much better than she was all week. top it all off, Adam's friend picked up the tab! How sweet!

So, I was in the car at one point in the day looking through some mail that needed to be thrown out or at least sorted and taken into the house. One of the ladies who I mailed a package to this morning had mailed her payment and I noticed that the address was not the same. I totally panicked, thinking that she wouldn't get the package and didn't know what to do. I emailed her and waited for her to email back. She did, and it was a big problem. The address I mailed to was an address she hadn't lived at for over a year. She needed it shipped to her home address which wasn't even the address that her payment came from. I had lots of trouble finding the local number for the post office, but did and they said I could come by to fix the address, as long as I did it before 5.

It was fast and painless, and the cost was the same, so that made it really easy. I just had to have the new address taped on top. I am thankful now that I didn't throw my trash away before now. See, it pays to have a trashy car sometimes!

All in all I have had a pretty good day. The kids have been so good today and that always makes for a happy mom.


Blogger Jacinda said...

Girl, why did you mail the package before you got the payment?!?!

Blogger Alissa said...

I didn't. It was just the envelope that she had mailed the payment was from a week ago and hadn't been cleared out of the van yet. (Thus, thankful for a junk-y car.)

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