Friday, February 03, 2006
I am going to have a hard time with this one.
Aralyn is a mess lately! She has just learned to crawl, and loves to have that new freedom. She will follow us around the house, and go where she wants to find new "toys". It is a constant game of me going ahead and making sure that she doesn't end up with something that she shouldn't have...having 2 older siblings always makes this job harder than it sounds.

Well, crawling isn't enough for her, she has decided she needs a higher outlook on life. She is pulling up! Anything that is up off the ground is fair game. Last week she leaned her hand on the side (not the lip, just the flat side) of a storage box and tried to stand up. Her hand slipped of course and she hit her head on the lip of the box. Last night she fell and hit her head pretty hard, doing the same thing on the end table...leaning her little hand on the side of the leg. She is not quite 8 months (3 more days) and she is just too young to understand the cause and effect, so more than likely she will try all these "tricks" again.

It will probably be a long couple of months! And of course, totally worth every last minute.


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