Friday, January 20, 2006
Nice place!
See my new look? I wasn't intending to change the way it looks around here when I got on the computer yesterday. I was having trouble with my template, or at least that is what I thought was the problem. I was going to add a name or 2 to my links and then alphabetize them, and when I went to do it, something locked up and I decided not to do it. Next time I looked at my blog, my sidebar was gone.

So, I decided to try to fix it...looked in the template and it looks fine (this isn't saying much cause I know absolutely nothing about html or code or whatever you call it.) I then decided that maybe I had deleted something the other day when it locked up. I didn't really think this had happened, but stranger things have. So, I decided to change templates, and lost all my links in the process. Oh well! And guess what? It still wasn't fixed. ???? So, then I decided to scroll down to make sure the rest of the page was correct, and what do I find? My sidebar, moved all the way to the bottom. Hmmmm? And the body of my blog was messed up right in the post where I had put a long line to separate 2 thoughts in a post. The line was messing everything up since it had to be wider to accommodate and pushed the sidebar out of the way. So, I changed my blog totally when all I really needed to do was edit a post!

Maybe I will change things up more often. It was that hard! Except, I had to re-do all my links. Next time I will cut and paste them before changing anything.


See...this time it won't do it cause the line is short!

Day 3 of FLYing is going pretty well. Getting dressed wasn't first on the list cause I wanted to clean the shower first and didn't want to get dressed before I did that. (I can't clean the bathroom or wash dishes or do anything that requires more water than it takes to brush your teeth or wash your hands without getting totally wet!)


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