Tuesday, January 24, 2006
The other day Aidan was sitting on Adam's lap and they were watching tv. I was in the kitchen cooking and all of the sudden, Aidan looks up and says, "Momma, magic is real! It is!" I have told him before that magic is just pretend, or tried to explain some sort of "magic trick" he has seen. So, I am really interested in why he thinks magic is real now.

There had been a Disney World commercial on...the one where the mom tells the little boy to go to sleep and he is giggling and saying he is just too excited to sleep (since there is a pending trip to Disney World) and then the dad can't sleep either cause he is too excited too. Cuteness abounds in the commercial and at the end it says something about Disney World being where magic is...or something like that.

So...he says to me, "You just have to go to that Disney place and that is where the magic is." It was so sweet!

We recently saw the commercial for Disney World where the parents are dressed up like superheroes from the 70s. (Love the pregnant mom one the best!) "You can be a hero too!" the television says to me with a quote for a family of 4. What a deal, only $1500! LOL

He loves heroes and all, so of course his face lit up when he saw that one too! He says to me, "I have never been there..." I told him that I had never been either. He promptly says, "I think we should go there. We haven't been and we should go...it is like magic and so fun."

Maybe it will be in the cards for us to plan a trip there...I want to go too! And I have always wanted to be a hero! LOL


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