Friday, January 20, 2006
Here's my list (I reserve the right to add to it!)
Next time someone asks my opinion when they make mothers, I have a few things that I would like to request.

Ears that automatically cut out the whining. I could then say that I can't hear whining...and not have to listen to it either! I don't know how many times I have to tell Alora that I can't hear her when she is whining. I just can't understand half of what she is saying...and neither can anyone else.

Hands! Oh more than just 2! I need a pair to hold a baby with and at least one more set if not 2. I have never quite understood how any one can believe in evolution since mothers would have at least 3 or 4 arms by now!

X-ray vision for looking through walls, seeing inside our children to see when they would be hungry next, or when they need to eliminate (think potty training time), or when they are sick in order to see what is wrong.

Metabolism that just stays nice and high. This would give us more energy and keep us from having to have extra room in our drawers for our "fat" jeans!

A force field. Not to harm any one or anything like that, just to keep the kids at a nice safe distance. We could go to the bathroom by ourselves with them safely outside the force field and we could even sit down without someone crawling or climbing on us or touching us.

A nice little place in our minds with all the right words for our kids...and while we are at it, we could use this tool for our friends and husbands too.

Thank you God for all the things that you bless us mothers with. I love all the attention and love that my children want to demonstrate to me. I know that mothering is a struggle and a challenge sometimes, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I love knowing that you think I am special enough to have blessed me with 3 of your children to love as my own. What a wonderful show of love that you would give me these beautiful little lives to know in a deep wonderful way.


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