Friday, November 17, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006

A few months ago Aidan was asked how old he was and when he answered that he was 6 they said they assumed he was in school. Aidan looks up at me and then answers, "yes". They guessed that he was in the first grade and Aidan repeats, "yes". I had to correct the situation and later Aidan was a bit confused. But, this is my very first year of school...yes it is....
And now, so many children are going to pre-k and 3 year old k and daycares that are "school", so what is the first grade? He and I are both confused.
He finally realized that kindergarten is before first grade. Now I have another quandry. Come the first of the year he will be starting his first grade we say first grade then, or still kindergarten? Who knows?
Homeschooling is going really well so far. He is speeding through his work, and we are having lots of fun. We have five caterpillars that have turned into chrysalides and will have some butterflied to see emerge in 7-9 days. We also just received ants to go in our ant farm. We tried the kind from our yard and they didn't want to do anything but try in vain to escape, so we let them go and order some from the company that made our farm. We have had them just a few days and they are already digging tunnels and showing us what they can do.
Aidan is loving most of school even though he thinks it is a bit boring to have to write out word lists to practice his spelling and handwriting, but the better he gets at it the faster he goes and the less likely he is to complain about it. Stickers are a great motivator and somedays every letter he thinks is worthy of a sticker!
I thought I would post a little book that he wrote and illustrated...He was so proud of it and other than a little help on the words he knew he didn't know how to spell, it is all his. He decided what he wanted it to say and then decided what the pictures should look like. He wanted to take it to the library and let people check it out when he was finished with it!