Wednesday, August 31, 2005
TV Musings
I don't know how many people there are out there that don't have cable or satellite or some other form of "tons of channels and still nothing to watch", but Adam and I one of the few who have just a little antennae on top of our television to help us pick up better reception on our 5 channels. Yes, you heard me 5! ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, and FOX (the last of which only comes in clearly sometimes, so it doesn't really count in my book.) It is crazy to me that even with just 4 channels we can find lots of things that shouldn't be watched by anyone...they are just that bad. Things like Bachelor (how crazy is this show...competing for a single man?), or Big Brother (one time when I caught this show and stopped for a minute, there were 2 girls with whipped cream all over there mostly naked bodies, another time, there was a couple in bed rolling all around doing what I would like to think they weren't doing on national television!)

I remember a time not too long ago when the family could sit down and watch a sitcom together. The Cosby Show, Full House, even Home Improvement were better than anything I can find now. I can't think of a single show that comes on prime time TV that is fit for my family to watch. Not one! Even shows I enjoy aren't fit for my whole family. Which I guess just means that maybe I shouldn't be watching them at all. Just the other night while watching a show someone said "crazy bas****", Alora, who wasn't even watching, but just playing on the floor repeated it! I was shocked and disappointed in myself as a parent that Adam and I had let it happen. The channel was changed, and she hasn't said it again, but I still feel like it should never have happened. PBS is our channel of choice most of the time. They haven't messed with Mr. Rogers too much and Sesame Street, while it hardly resembles the same show that I watched as a child, isn't too bad either.

What is really sad is that I don't even feel like the morning news programs are fit for my family to watch either. Not because of the violence of the news stories so much, but for all the "other stuff". I am not quite sure what to call this "other stuff", but it certainly isn't "news". There are segments with half dressed men, women and children that they call a fashion segment. There are portions where they sit down with some "expert" and they talk about sex or cheating or plastic surgery, or abortion or whatever the latest and greatest trend is and tell all about the subject in a way that I wouldn't want my children learning about it. The segments where they talk to celebrities is usually full of things I don't want my children seeing. Even if the celebrity is fully clothed and even if they don't curse, they are usually promoting something that isn't moral, or their latest film that I probably shouldn't see.

I know that even if there was a show that we could watch, the commercials would do us in. If all you watched were commercials you would come to some strange conclusions about us. First, if you see a commercial for any sort of feminine hygenie product or Midol you will assume that having a period is the best thing ever! It is fun and you look great and feel great. Just watch one of the latest Always commercials where they even say how "fun" it is. Having genital herpes is great too! Just look at all the fun you can have with your significant other. I am personally just floored that commercials about the drugs to treat this disease are even aired. What is wrong with your doctor talking discretely to you about the treatment...or here's a novel idea, just not have pre-martial or extra-marital sex and you wouldn't ever have to worry about it. Oh and make sure you have some sort of other medical problem, low white blood count, depression, or some sort of sexual dysfunction. According to the commercials for the products and drugs to treat these and other problems they are fun to have too. Just look at how happy all those tummies are on the constipation commercials!

I guess if I was smart I would just get rid of my TV, or at least only watch the DVD's and tapes that we own that aren't full of immoral things. I think mostly I just need to be VERY aware of what is going on in my own house. My children are sponges and will pick things up quickly from television. Aidan has already started saying that Alora needs that pretty pony or that baby doll that he sees commercials for. Don't know why he thinks everything is for Alora? I know that making myself pay attention to what is on the television and making conversation about it with my children if I need to is a good step. Keeping the TV off most of the time is another thing I could do better about.

It is scary that I am letting all these things into my home....I wouldn't talk with such bad language to my children, or dress so immodestly, or talk of sex so flippantly, but I am not always good about making sure that people who do don't walk right in my front door via the television.

God, please make me more aware of what is going on in my own house. May I find the strength to turn off things that are unfit for my family and realize that there are better things to be doing than watching the television. Help me to show my children that they can show love for you by making sure they aren't polluting their homes and their minds with the garbage that is so easy to access. Thank you God for loving me even when I fail at this!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Pushing too hard!
Alora is back in diapers. I know, I know, I will confuse her and she will never use the potty now. She will probably grow up and need counseling or something! (Or at least that is the running joke with my mom and I, anything she could have done, would have done, is doing, will cause my siblings and me ever-lasting damage. Probably not, but we'll see I guess!)

I just couldn't take it any more. It was getting too stressful. I was having to make sure that I knew exactly when she woke up in the morning and from naps to make sure she could get to the potty in time. I was dreading every trip that was longer than 10 minutes afraid that this time would be another accident in the car seat, which by the way is really a pain to get the cover off. Plus, the cover has to air dry, so it isn't the most convenient thing to have to clean up.

I think we will just wait a few months and see if she isn't more ready then. She is not yet 2 1/2 so maybe I was just thinking that with a 2nd baby she would be ready. Guess not! Oh well, it would have been nice, but maybe this way my carpet will have a break from the accidents and maybe when we do it again it will just be a quick and painless thing! My mom is coming down for Aidan's birthday and bringing some Dora panties, so maybe that will be something to bribe with! HAHAHA

Saturday, August 27, 2005
Fish, Grass, Water, and a Van...all you need for a perfect day
Oh, how I just wish that days like yesterday could be repeated…at least most of the parts. We were able to join Adam for lunch and went to the “Blue Place” as Aidan calls this one restaurant. It is really the Lakeside Grille, and they have seafood and burgers and things like that. Really good food. I ordered the child’s burger for me, popcorn shrimp for Adam and Alora and Aidan decided that he wanted fish today. Aidan loved his fish. He kept talking about how good it was and wanting to order some more. I love that he was so excited about his fish. I guess I like the fact that he can enjoy a place to eat as much as Adam and I enjoy it. Of course the peanuts that they have on the tables to snack on really keep the kids busy long enough for the food to get there, so that is nice too! I also tried some of the butter pecan cake with a cream cheese frosting…it was SOOOO yummy!

We made it home in time for naptime and the kids took a good nap. Such a good nap that I was able to cut some grass. Aidan woke up and I had him playing “monitor” for me. He was to play quietly in his room and come out to the porch if the girls woke up. He did a great job and even stood at the window giving my thumbs up signs, smiling, and signing, “I love you” in sign language. It was really sweet. It makes me happy just remembering his grinning face. I got just the grass in the front of the house mowed, but it was really the worst of it and not such a hot day, so it wasn’t so bad.

Then Alora, Aidan, and I washed the van. It has been raining so much here, that we haven’t had the opportunity to wash the van like we would like to do. Thankfully it was not raining yesterday afternoon…or thunderstorming like usual, and it wasn’t even all that hot. I think I will try to always remember how fun it is to wash the van with the kids. Aidan loves to help so much and will spend all his time washing one or two places…like the wheels and tires or the license plate, since they are the “coolest” parts. He is just so proud of helping. Alora spent all her time pulling the rags out of the bucket of water and then putting them back in after they were filthy from the ground. Then she would get in the bucket of soapy water…she liked the bubbles, I guess. I spent a lot of time telling her to get out of the water! The two of them also ran around screaming and shrieking as I hosed the van off, since water was spraying them. Aralyn sat on the porch in her rocking seat with an umbrella opened up to keep the bright sun from shining in her eyes. She was so good, I think she was just happy to have the time to spend outside. When Alora wasn’t in the bucket, she would run up on the porch to talk to Aralyn, so she wouldn’t fuss too much. It was a nice afternoon. We got the van washed and while we didn’t do the best job, it certainly looks better than it did before, and it was fun!

Thank you God for a wonderful day with my children. While it wasn’t a “perfect” day, it was a day that was full of wonderful times and great things to hold in my memory. When I think back on yesterday, I don’t want to remember Alora’s accident, or Aralyn crying or Aidan not listening like he should, but rather, a soapy Alora climbing out of a bucket, a happy Aralyn squinting into the bright summer sun, a smiling Aidan telling me he loves me with his hands, and a beautiful cool day to enjoy it all. Thank you!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Like a Frog in a Pot of Boiling Water
You know, they say (whoever they are) that you can boil a live frog in a pot of water. You just put him in while the pot is not hot and slowly warm it up and he won't realize how hot it is until it is too late. I don't know if that is true, but it sure seems like it.

Last night Adam realized that it was getting really cool in the house and that the air conditioner wasn't shutting off. So he went to play with the thermostat and what do you know? It is broken! Again. This is the 3rd thermostat we have had in this house...just over 5 years! Crazy, I know! The first one was the original one and we replaced it one time with a $60 model that we could program. It wasn't the nicest or the cheapest just somewhere in the middle of the price/quality ranges and so we thought it would be great. Something happened to it after about a year, and so we replaced it with the $20 model we have now. Well, I don't know what is wrong with it, but it won't turn off.

We are controlling our air conditioner by going to the breaker box and throwing the switch that controls the air! It is really frustrating. I was doing some laundry this morning and went to hang some things in Alora's closet and realized that her closet is just about the coolest room in the house. I went to turn the breaker back on and am now sitting here trying not to move to keep from sweating! I didn't even realize that I was getting so hot. It was fairly cool in the house this morning and so I guess the gradual raising of the heat was sneaking up on me. I bet it is close to 80 degrees in the house. It doesn't help that the heat index for today is supposed to be over 100 degrees! Maybe we will go out to eat for lunch today just to go somewhere that is cool enough.

I am thankful though. Last time our air conditioner acted funny and broke, it wouldn't work at all. It was impossible to be in the house after a few hours in the heat of the day in the middle of the summer. At least it works this time...only, I hate to see our electric bill since we don't think the air shut off for about 2 days! Talk about over kill! Hopefully we can get it fixed and it won't be too expensive this time...last time was a nightmare bill of close to $200. God provided then and I know He will provide for us now!

This is me trying to give the worry over to God and let Him take care of it. This is me struggling with that, as it is one of the things I have the hardest time with. May God give me the strength and the faith to let this small thing and in all the BIGGER things that should be in His hands.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Sign me up!
Aidan is registered for soccer! And I checked the boxes next to "team mom" and "concessions" as things that I could do to help out! Can you see me with Alora (2) and Aralyn (2 months) in the concession stand? "Sorry, Alora just ate the last package of M&M's, would you like something else?" I am sure that I will find something useful to do, or else on nights when Adam can be there too, he can do it!

I am really not so sure what possessed me to decide that it would be fine to do soccer. I know that some of the practices are probably going to be too early for Adam to be there, at least for the beginning of them, if not the whole thing. I know that he will try to make it to games, but how am I supposed to be the "cheering mom" for Aidan, the "watching mom" for Alora, who will want to join in the fun, and the "nursing mom" for Aralyn, who will not be so happy in the hot and steamy weather, I am sure. It will be an adventure. And one I am looking forward to embarking on. I can't wait to see Aidan in his little uniform and see how excited he will be running after a ball and being on a team!

He has always loved balls. All kinds. I asked him what sport he wanted to play and he said, "Soccer, and then football and then I can learn to play baseball and softball." He is just so excited! I guess, since this is the beginning of our sports adventures, I am really looking forward to seeing if he really likes "organized" sports and not the little games he makes up in his head to play with the balls in his room and out in the yard. I guess this could just be the first of many little league is in the spring! I am almost as excited as he is.

Thank you God, that we have a child who is so willing to try new things. Thank you for his eager spirit and his joyfulness! Help our family as we support him in this new adventure. May we all enjoy spending time together in this new way, supporting our first born son in what he loves to do, and sharing the things that are to come.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005
I hate potty training!

"Ok!", in the sweetest little voice with the best little remorseful look on her face. That is what Alora says every time we tell her that next time she needs to pee on the potty...this is after she has peed on the floor yet again. It is really getting old and I am beginning to wonder if she even knows what "ok" means!

I told Aralyn today that she will be wearing diapers is my own way of saving our carpet! I think our house should smell like pee by now...we clean it up each time, but it just seems like some might have been missed somewhere. Like one time last week when I knew Alora had peed somewhere cause she had stripped all her clothing off. When I asked her where, she said that she peed on the floor...well, duh, right? So, I had her show me where, she had covered the spot with some puzzle pieces, I guess to hide the fact?

We have a big rubbermaid box full of balls...the kind that you put in the little inflatable ball pits you can find at Wal-mart or Target. Today, she took her panties off to take a "bubble bath" and then peed in the box! At least it wasn't the carpet this time and I can just dump them in the bath tub with the box and clean them all! Uggh! Will it ever end?

It is days like this that make me wonder if 3 kids is just 3 kids too many! Really I love them all and I know that this too will pass. Days like today I am still glad for, even though the laundry is still not caught up, Aralyn wouldn't sleep or eat well today, and Aidan wasn't as well behaved as he could have been either.

Today was a good day...all because Aidan and Alora both told me more than once that they loved me and Aralyn smiled at me and "talked" to me. I got to tell them all that I love them too! That is about all that I accomplished today, but it was well worth it! Thank you God for my children! I love them...even on days like today!

Friday, August 12, 2005
It's back!
The day that Adam and I got married was a glorious day. Full of joy and happiness and some stupidity on our parts...only b/c we didn't know what to expect from a wedding, seeing as how we had never done it before.

I got married the day after my graduation from high school. This was probably the first thing that we could have done differently. We were up late that night with visiting and spending time with friends and family that were there for both the wedding and the graduation. I think that we should have thought about how tired we were both going to be on the actual day of the wedding.

We got married at the camp that we met at and there are some waterfalls very close. Second thing that maybe wasn't the smartest thing, but not something that I regret...was hiking. Yes, the morning of the wedding (which was set for 3 pm) we met some other friends and all went for a hike up to a waterfall. Adam, a friend of his, and I all decided to go on up to the top of the falls, but the trail had been moved, so we went "trail-less" through the woods up to the top. It was a beautiful site and very memorable, but took us a lot longer to get up and back down than we really had time for.

Seeing as how the wedding took place on a Sunday, we had to get back down the mountain in time for worship service, which we planned to have while there. This was a very special service and one that stands out as one of the best worship services, especially the communion, that I have ever experienced. My mother-in-law (future at the time) made some small loaves of unleavened bread and we had cups (dixie cup size) of grape juice. The communion portion of the service was a "go up to the table as you feel it" style, so couples would go up together, or just individuals to partake. It was just a wonderful time to reflect on the awesome love of Christ.

Getting ready for the wedding was a mad dash. People were running late, it was hot and humid weather. I remember that I took a shower and after I toweled off, I was sweating so fast that it seemed I hadn't dried off at all. I was finally able to get dried by people fanning me and opening the door to the bath-house to vent some air. Later in the day, or earlier in the day might have been a better idea for such a hot time of year.

So, after the ceremony, which required walking around the lake to the dock where the wedding took place there was a small reception, that all our guests went right to, as Adam and I detoured to take pictures. This was a great time to spend just the two of us (and the photographer). It was a fun time, and full of laughs and such. Only thing was, it was starting to get later and later by the time we finished. We still needed to sign the papers, cut the cake, greet our guests and try to get on the road as soon as we could to make it to our hotel. We had a nearly 4 hour drive ahead of us...another thing would should have thought of, the first night a little closer to where we were married.

We weren't able to leave the camp until close to 6 pm! We were exhausted. And hungry too, as we had barely been able to eat some cake much less snack on the food. So, we stopped at a subway on the way to the hotel. It was a memorable thing!

That first night we were exhausted! I don't mean, just tired, I mean I think the first thing we did was lay down on the bed and take a nap...before we even got our bags in from the car...we were so tired!

2 days later I discovered a terrible rash on my legs. I would scratch and scratch and they wouldn't get any better. Come to find out I had poison oak! I got it on the hike. I had it everywhere! It covered my thighs and calves! It was painful and terrible. We had to go to the store and get some Caladryl cream and cotton balls and Adam had to help me apply it to all the places. I went through bottles of the stuff before it was gone. I was miserable for about a week or so!

Well, all that reminiscing to's back! I had what I thought was 2 mosquito bites on the back of my knee 2 days ago. They just kept itching and went from "2 bites" to "6 bites", so I got suspicious of it. I took a look at it today to see what was going on. It is definitely not mosquito bites. It is spreading and is now on my other leg and the back of that knee too, as well as oozing. I have poison oak again! Fun fun fun! I got out the bottle of Caladryl and will be applying daily until it goes away. Hopefully I won't spread it more or give it to the kids. A two month old with poison oak would be no fun.

Odd thing is, I don't know how I got it. Adam thinks maybe from the lake 2 weeks ago, but I think that is a bit too long ago to have been the place, but who knows, it could have taken that long. I will just be hoping it is short lived and that the pain and irritation is not too bad.

Thursday, August 11, 2005
Why are we here?--and the christening of the carpet!
Today we went to look at some property/homes in a neighboring town. We ran across some new construction and decided to get out of the van to look a bit closer. After pulling in the driveway of the first "open house" Aidan says, "Why are we here?" It is really a pretty good question. A question that Adam and I need to ask ourselves and ask the Lord for guidance to find the right answer to it.

Adam went to apply for a job today. I know, why would he want another job? Aren't 3 enough? Well, yes, 3 is enough-and lots of times 3 is just too much. We are looking at trying to find something that he could do that would give him a little more time at home, and would give us some benefits, as right now we don't have any. The hiring process is probably going to take about 6 months, so we won't really know anything for a while, but we made the first step. We'll wait and see if God leads us on.

If Adam were to get the job, then lots of things would need to be considered. We would need to move closer, as the commute time would be killer. Build, Buy, Rent? We might would also look at putting Aidan in a private school over there, or even putting him in a public school, although it would have to be one great school for that to win out over homeschooling. A change in churches would probably be in order. Just lots to consider and think about and lots to pray to God for guidance about. We will be praying and researching about our options in hopes that we make the right change if any change and that it will bless our family in the process.


Alora is being potty trained right now. It goes really well some days and other days, like yesterday we have 5 or 6 accidents. It is frustrating and all, but I know that there is an end in sight since I have already been through this with Aidan. In the first "open house" the water and electricity was on, so seeing as how it had been a while since she had last gone, we decided to let her try while we were there. She had already had an accident earlier and had to put on her spare outfit, so we didn't want to risk another accident. pee pees, or so she told us. So the next "open house" we go in there is a realtor who wants to talk to us and show us around. That was great, until while I was asking about the flooring, Aidan interrupts me to tell me that Alora peed on the floor. I was mortified!!!! I apologized to the realtor and thankfully she was just the sweetest person and very understanding of the children. She actually held Aralyn for me so I could take care of changing Alora and cleaning up the mess....which was mostly on the vinyl/tile in the kitchen but some on the carpet. So, sorry whoever you are who bought the house, but the carpet is slightly "used".

Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Feeling All Grown Up
Saturday morning cartoons were so cool when I was little. They just aren't the same any more and they have ruined my "adulthood". Now all my childhood dreams of waking at daybreak to watch every last minute of the Smurfs, My Little Pony, and Care Bears are dashed to smithereens....I mean, who really wants to get up early to watch Lilo and Stitch or the Proud Family on ABC?

I used to think that when I was grown my life would be just like I wanted it and I would never do things that I didn't want to would be just like I had dreamed it. Every time my mother would get on to me about something that I had done to break the rules, then I would think...I will never have my children do chores, or yell at them, or spank them, or ever be mad at them or disappointed in them. Every time that there was some function that I wanted to attend, or have my mother attend and that old enemy "work" would dash my dreams, I would think...never will that happen to me. I also used to not understand why my birthday and my siblings' birthdays were really special days (even if we had to go to school that day) and my mother's birthday was not a "big party" every year. "I will have a huge blowout every year to celebrate ME!" And let's not start on the grocery store...the buggy would always be full of candy and ice cream and cake and all the things that a kid lives on...or dreams of living on.

But, I have grown up some, and realize that all my best intentions when I was little are smirking at me. My children are asked to do chores, they are disciplined, they disappoint me sometimes. I can't do "only what I really want to do", there is a house to clean every day--toilets too, diapers to change, dinner to prepare, and lots of other mundane things that I would rather not do on a daily basis. And there are always times when I wish that time and energy were not an issue so that we could go to the beach more often or so that Adam could go on all the trips to the zoo or up to my parents' house with us. And, alas, green beans, tomatoes, carrots, and such end up in my buggy way more than chips and coke and popcorn (to the great disappointment of my husband and children).

I was reading a friend's blog and he was talking about how he didn't feel like he was living the same kind of life his friends are living. Like he hasn't grown up yet (my words not his). And it resonated deep within me. I don't quite feel all grown up. I look around at my life and feel like I am still young and am not quite sure what I am doing with 3 kids to raise and a husband! Whoa! Hold up! What happened to the dream life where it is all fun and games, cartoons, and happiness all the time? When is there going to be someone bigger than me to pick up the pieces of the life that I am not so sure I won't drop and break into a million pieces.

When do I start to feel confidant and secure and feel like I can share some advice with another adult and feel like they are my equal and not far superior to me and "what in the world would I have to say that they don't know already?" When can I think about things like life insurance or household repairs and think that I am doing what I should be doing. Not feel like somehow someone has dropped me into this life....I am not quite ready to do it...not quite sure that I can get it right.

Do all adults end their lives feeling like they are living at super speed. Like they aren't through with the last stage before the next comes rumbling by? I know that for me at least, I hope to at least end my life in some sort of "adultish" state.

Monday, August 08, 2005
I convinced myself in high school that procrastination was a good thing. My grades didn't suffer because of it. If anything I got better grades because of it. My sleep might have suffered, seeing as how I would wake up hours early to write a paper that was due in first period. Or maybe my diet suffered, as sometimes I would skip lunch to finish an assignment due in the class right after the 45 minute lunch break. Or maybe my parent's ears suffered as I would tap away on my little electronic typewriter that I had to type things up on (since we didn't get a computer in our house until right near the end of my senior year). I worked well under pressure and seem to thrive on it now.

There are a few times when I think procrastination is not a good thing.

Like when we used to have playgroup at our house once a month...I knew when my day was, but still seemed to wait until the last minute to mop the kitchen floor and clean the bathrooms. Or, when I knew that there were several things that I had to get ready at my house before the birth of Aralyn...but I was still in labor doing last minute things that I had just held off on completing. Or when I am planning a trip and wait until the day before to start the packing.

What is really sad is that sometimes I will plan to procrastinate. I will stay up the night before some event and spend hours making a list of the last minute things that I need to do. Instead of just doing them, or getting rest or doing something else more productive I will have a page of last minute things organized by Have To Dos and Would Like To Dos. At least I am an organized procrastinator, right? That's got to be worth points!

Aidan misses the cut-off date to start kindergarten this year. I am secretly glad, since that means that I have one more year to not "think" about it. I have pretty much decided to homeschool him. I am just not all that confident with the public school system here. I might would feel different if I lived somewhere else, although I kind of doubt it. I also might would consider a private school if there was one that I liked somewhere closer than a 40 minute drive one way. I just couldn't do that everyday with 2 other kids at home to think about as well as all the other things that I have on my plate.

So, homeschooling it will probably be. I get really excited when I look at the curriculum catalogs that I have, some of it looks so fun. Recently, I found a site that carries a curriculum that is very biblically based, lots of scriptures and such and it looks great. But I can't force myself to order it. I keep thinking maybe I will find something better, or maybe something will change and I will be in a position to do something else with him next year. Maybe I will hate what I order and need to spend more money to buy something else, and something else, and something else, until I find what I really like....that I may have found first if I just waited. Maybe we will have moved and there will be a perfect public school system in the town we live in, or the perfect private school, just waiting for us to move there so he can attend! Or, maybe the church we used to attend will decide to run a homeschool co-op and we will be a part of that, so I would need to wait to order what everyone else wants to use? So, I will resort back to my good friend procrastination. It is where I am comfortable anyway!

One thing that I CAN do while I procrastinate is prepare him as best I can for kindergarten...whatever form it comes in. He loves to learn is is so ready in lots of ways for something "formal". And I can pray that God will lead us in the right way. He does that you know? It is something that I have to remind myself. I know that through all the decisions we make that God will help us to make them if we let him. And He can even help us once we have made bad decisions! I pray that I will allow God to lead me in the way I should go...that he will continue to bless us all...

Friday, August 05, 2005
They Are Just Like Weeds!

I don't know why it is that when I think about 5 years it seems like such a long time. That is, until I look at my little boy who will be 5 in September.

But, to look back on pictures like this, is SOOO bittersweet.

I want Aidan to grow I don't, I mean...yes, I DO! I am so torn on my feelings that come up when I look at him lately. So often it is so hard to look at his face and see any of the little baby that he was. He was the first to grow inside of me, for my body to support fully until he was able to make it outside in my arms. He was just the sweetest thing ever! I was so full of love for him even before he was born. And he grew SO fast. From only 6lb 6oz at birth to 9lb 7oz at just 2 weeks, and he continued that rapid growth for 18 months until he finally slowed down a bit. He was the first to make me a Momma. His voice was the first to call me by that title. His eyes were the ones that first looked into mine in that all-loving, totally trusting way that a newborn will look at their parents. He is growing into a young man that I am so proud to know. He is my little sweetheart, my little super hero, my sweet Aidan, my son. He will always hold a special place in my heart.

He was the one that led me to my best friends. Because of him, we were a pair that could attend "momma and child" things. That is how I came to have 3 of the best friends a woman could ever have.

The birthday party this Sunday was so wonderful. The birthday girl is just a few months older than Aidan. We have known her since she moved here when she was about 9 months old. The four kids at the party have "grown up" together. They do a lot together, us mommies do a lot together. These are the ladies that I turn to when I need someone to laugh with, or cry with, or need advice. They are my best friends. And because of the love that we all share for Christ they are probably 3 of the best-est friends I will ever have! They put me in my place and keep me strong. Their children are just as special to me. I don't love them all like I love my own children, but I love them with a love almost as powerful. I would do anything for them and I believe that my children are loved by these women just the same. It is a wonderful life to have such good friends for yourself and your children (and your husband too!)
I thank God that I have been blessed for these few years with such wonderful friends. I know that even if things change, that these are the kinds of friendships that will go with me through my life and only grow sweeter in the remembering. I pray that God will take care of each of our families and help us to grow closer to Him as we strive to raise our children to have a firm faith in Him. May he bless us all in our lives.
....and if it just so happens that one of our children happens to grow up to marry another one (there are 10 kids so far, so it could happen!) we would be so happy!

Thursday, August 04, 2005
Back on the Home Front
What a series of days we have had.

Starting last Monday...

We were at the in-laws house. My niece(9) and nephew(5) were down visiting the grands and so I had taken the kids over to their house so that all the cousins could get some play time in. Adam was at work and my father-in-law had run some errands in a neighboring town. My mother-in-law was outside watching the older kids play while I was indoors listening for Alora to wake from her nap and nursing Aralyn. With the slip n' slide, sand and water table, sand box, teeter totter, wading pool, sprinkler, hula hoops, inflatable climing gym/bouncer, and ring toss game my mother-in-law wasn't sure that the kids had enough to play with, so she was out gathering up some balls for them to play with too. Somehow, she thinks by tripping on one of the said balls, she fell and landed on her arm. She, being the kind of woman that she is, doesn't send a kid in for me. When she finally is able to get up and come inside, I could tell she was hurt. So, I think to am I going to beable to wake up the napping children and gather up the wet ones and take them all to the hospital where I will have to occupy the 5 children on my own while my mother-in-law gets her arm mended?! Well, I didn't have to worry about it, cause my mother-in-law (being the woman she is) refused to go to the hospital that day...she said she didn't think it was broken and just thought it was strained or sprained and would wait until morning to see how it felt. My mother-in-law is sweet and spirited and loving...and just a bit stubborn.


Mother-in-law goes to doctor, goes to hospital for x-ray, back to doctor...and finds out she broke not one, but both bones in her lower arm. So, now she will have a cast for about 6 weeks. Hopefully it will heal properly and not cause her much more pain.

That night Adam and I and the kids were all over at the in-laws for dinner. The kids (all 4 of them) were playing in the den. I have always said since before she could walk that Alora would be the first child to have us rushing to the hospital. She decided that she would prove me right!

She was practicing her balance by standing on the inside arms of 2 recliners that are about 18" apart. Her legs are just long enough to stretch between them. Somehow she fell and landed on her face. We thought that since she wasn't bleeding, that she was un-hurt. That is, until we saw the huge knot/goose egg/pump knot (all depends on which family member you have naming it) on her forehead. It was what I describe as grade A large...just the same size and shape of an egg! She was very drowsy right afterward, so we rushed off to the local ER. She was perfectly fine, but it was so nice to have her checked and calm our anxieties.


The kids and I headed out on a 4 hour trip to see my parents. Aralyn did great on the trip and slept most of the way, so I made good time and we got there in as unfrazzled a state as a mom with 3 kids by herself can be in.

Thursday and Friday...

Full of shopping and visiting and resting and all the fun things you do when you go to visit your parents. We did get to go to my grandparents' lake house that they just built. It is lovely, but so far from being unpacked. We went swimming in the lake, but didn't have a boat there, so we didn't do much. Next time the boats should be there, so we might get to ski!


Family reunion day! We got to see my great grandmother...the kids great great! It was some fun family time.


Early morning to get up and head home to be at a birthday party for Aidan. We made it home, with a cracked windshield from a rock that flew out from behind a truck. Thankfully that should be fixed tom. morning. The party was great! I will post about it later with some pictures! Such a sweet time.

It was a long few days, full of just about all the emotions that I have! Hopefully life can get back to normal and I can get this house cleaned up from every thing that I brought home from my mom's house! Funny how I always come back with more than I had when I started.
