Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Milkshakes all around.

The other night Adam and I were in the mood for milkshakes. Adam makes a pretty good milkshake with the right ingredients and we just so happened to have everything to make them with, so I got out the blender and he blended! Everyone enjoyed the cool sweetness. If only there had been enough room for Aralyn too!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Ahh, the joys of sharing a household with others!
Well, last week sometime, Aidan got a bit fussy. I think that this is saying something since, he is 6 1/2 almost and quite past the "fussy" stage. He was complaining about his ear hurting, and from some things that he told us, we thought he might have pushed some wax down into his ear and it was having a hard time getting out. So, we tried some home remedies and hoped for the best. A few days later he was still complaining, but at this point, I figured if it was indeed an ear infection, then he would surely be getting to the end of it and it would clear itself in a few more days at the most.

So, then his ear starts to drain...which from all I can tell either means nothing...or that his eardrum had burst. Hmmmm. I just didn't know what to do with him. I have been planning on switching him to the small doctor's office that I have gone to for all my pregnancy labs and such, since they have regular family doctors that practice along with the midwives. I called about it and they said that they would need to have his records and the doctor would need to approve him (they have all the patients they can take right now without approval). Ok, so, I could do that, but then still have to take him to the almost twice as expensive pediatrician's office here. What to do?

Thursday night I got sick! Really feeling awful sick. No sleeping for me. My throat was sore and fever and chills and body aches had me feeling just bad. Adam stayed home with us to help take care of me and then later that day, I decided to make myself an appointment and hope that the doctor would look in Aidan's ear while we were there. They had to work me in (which is nurse speak, for, come in a sit for hours until we have a lull in patients and you can finally see a doctor.) But, at least they could see me, and I would only have to pay $50. The kids were so so so good for the 3 hours that we were at the office. The doctor found that I had strep and didn't even do a throat culture cause she was afraid I might puke. Smart doc. She was also kind enough to look in Aidan's ear and found it was an infection, but not an inner ear infection, but an outer one. Drops will clear it up in a week and take all the pain away.

I finally started to feel better with some medicine and some tylenol to help with the fever and the aches and pains. I slept much better the next night and stayed home from church with Aralyn on Sunday. She started running a fever on Sat. night. I have blamed her teeth coming in for that, since she had no other symptoms and seems to be 100% well now.

All would have been great if Adam hadn't gotten sick too. He stayed home from work on Monday and Tuesday and after jumping through hoops we finally found a doctor who would see him and get him a prescription, even though we had to drive an hour to get to the doctor. I was about at the point of letting him share my medicine and calling my doctor to say I had dropped them in the toilet or something like that.

He had strep too and we only had to pay $61 of the $100 that we thought we were going to have to pay to the doctor who saw him. That was quite a little blessing, as well as the blessing of Adam's and my medicine only being $4 each and Aidan's only $21. For those of us with no insurance it sure does feel good to pay so little when you are expecting so much more than that.

I think we are all well now. At least I hope so! If someone else gets sick this month I don't know how we will pay for it, so I sure hope that we are all well now!

And, as a bonus for reading all this...or at least scrolling through it all...here are some pictures!
Aralyn and Poppa over Christmas. We were on our way to see the gingerbread houses at the Grove Park Inn.
Aidan and Nana having a very serious talk about swords....at least it looks serious to me!
Alora got dressed up like a little doll by her cousins over the holidays...I don't know who had more fun. But, they made her look like the princess that she says she is all time!
