Wednesday, October 24, 2007
The Holidays are Coming!
I can't hide from the fact taht the holidays are coming on pretty quick. I know that all the kids in the house are starting to get excited, and Wal-mart has had lots of things up for a few weeks! (Way too early in my opinion.)

We have helped the boys come up with appropriate things to put on their Christmas lists. They are going to be filling boxes for Samaritan's Purse and I sort of volunteered to head that project up. Things are coming along.

Every one is buzzing about Chirstmas!

Thursday, October 04, 2007
The latest
Aidan has lost his second tooth. (I know he has a little girl friend who just lost one, so it must be the "season" for it). He was so anxious about wanting it to come out once it go so loose. He was so tired when it finally came out that he started to cry and say he wasn't ready for it yet. It was sort of funny, but I didn't laugh, mostly because I was so tired as well. He put it in his tooth bank and then told me that he hoped the Tooth Fairy would leave him some money. I reassured him that she probably would, and he said he hoped it would be "one hundred dollars, or maybe one thousand!" If that is what he was truly expecting he was SORELY disappointed! (I think all the talk of "big" money comes from some of what we are studying in school right now.)

Alora has been telling us that she wants to get her ears pierced. But, she will say "not until I am a grown up, cause it will hurt". We have been okay with that, mostly because if she never wants it until then, we don't have to make a decision and we don't have to deal with it. I don't really care if it ever gets done, so I am not going to push her into it. The other day, after hearing that 2 little girls she knows recently got theirs done, she told me "I thinked, and thinked, and thinked, and thinked about it and I do want to get my ears pierced." We will just have to wait and see. I don't know if I am ready for that.

Aralyn likes to go into the pantry with me while I am trying to find what I want to make for dinner. It is a very large room and so I will sometimes even sit in there on a little stool and look around and try to put meals together for a day or two. I have even been known to hide in there. Usually whatever I am making, there is something in the pantry that she can carry to the counter. I will help her to find something that is appropriate. (She also likes to put groceries away and so, sometimes I will go in without her to put things where they belong.) I guess she knows that I think while I am in there, I might even tell her that is what I am doing. The other day, I found her standing in there. She was just looking around, with her hand on her forehead, and saying "Think, think, think." It was a little Winnie-the-Poohish. It was so funny, that I started laughing and she turned to see what was so funny with a little look of disapproval on her face which only made me laugh more.

We are about to enter the holiday season which, I always say starts now, in October, since we have so many things on our calendar in the way of activites and birthdays. We have 2 boys with birthdays in October, plus my birthday, a fall retreat, a trip to Scarowinds, and lots of training too. I don't even want to think about what our calendar looks like for the month of November.
