Friday, August 22, 2008
We have been anxiously awaiting our trip at the end of the month to Disney World. The girls are super excited to be going and Aidan is excited about rides and the Star Wars and Indiana Jones things. I think that he will be happy about more than just that part, but so far that is what he keeps looking at on the maps that I ordered.
I was able to find a good deal on some lanyards and pins on Ebay and ordered those for the kids. We also took a trip down to the Disney warehouse thing in Jonesville. I was hoping to find some pins there, or some cute little toys or something to hand out on the trip down there. I was only able to find a tee shirt for each of us and a swimsuit for each of the girls. Oh well, now we know what there is there. There will be lots of pictures to post and talk about when we get back...

Alora went to the eye doctor a week ago and she was found to be far sighted. This wouldn't be that big a deal, but her eyes aren't even. Her left eye is twice as bad as her right. She will need to wear her new glasses most of the time, in hopes that her left eye will get stronger and correct itself. She is happy to have them and is looking forward to her new ones that we ordered (we thought it would be best to have a back up and a spare!)

The kids have re-discovered Wikki Sticks after a recent trip to Zaxby's . Alora is loving to make little figures out of them. Here is Nikki and Mikki. Aren't they a cute couple?

A while ago we went to the movies on our night off and look who we found in the lobby when we came out. Aralyn was fascinated with the Stormtrooper, as he was little. He was the cutest thing in his little costume, although we were lucky to get a picture with his helmet on, since he kept removing it because of how hot it was. He was so adorable...that is his mom behind them. Neat huh?
